
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cirebon Glass Painting

ARTS tradition of painting with glass media is already developed several centuries ago and have ups and downs until later artists find a distinctive drawing style glass. 

That said, this glass painting originated from China which was brought by the traders to the region of Cirebon. However, no one exactly knows its history. In the palace and several houses in Cirebon found claimed glass picture made early 19th century.
According to Halimi, an observer of Cirebon glass painting, glass painting theme and style of Cirebon culture influenced China, Islam and puppet stories. Chinese influence is very strong because since the 16th century, the Shrimp City have visited the traders from the Bamboo Curtain country accidentally introduced to the art of indigenous variety. Thus, the idea arose among traditional artists to create images on glass and imitate.
Islamic influence spread the trustee is also a characteristic of glass painting Cirebon. Even after the influence of China, the images produced traditional artists are always associated with Islam, such as images kabah, mosques and calligraphy contains verses of Al-Quran and Hadith.
The influence comes from the wayang puppet performances that demonstrated the trustees to spread Islam. Strong belief that good puppet, making the glass painting crafters always show characters like Krishna, Arjuna, Rama, Lasmana and others.
EvolveMatching said Muji, Cirebon artisans painting, glass painting is like a caricature published in a newspaper. The difference, caricature could reflect the attitude, vision and mission and character of a newspaper. While, glass painting pure mind of the artist who is often considered to be somewhat less sane.
Pattern and style, including themes, continues to experience growth in the update also shift. However, departing from a point called creativity. Creative in processing, selecting, ideas, execute the image of the prime techniques. Creativity also make glass painting had been developed.
Currently, additional Muji, appear spirit revivalitas (revival) painting on glass growing panting and heaving due to lack of this type of painting exhibitions and lack of promotion and appreciation.
Behind a sheet of glass, people can enjoy the beauty of the lines, colors, decorative patterns are stunning. There is also a breath of fresh air through the pictures funny and cynical humor. But, politely greeted with criticism the right.

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